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Chill is thrilled to offer Bioptron light therapy! Bioptron light has many applications such as anti-aging, pain-relief, seasonal affect disorder and skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and rosacea. Our clients primarily use Bioptron light therapy on their face for incredible anti-aging results!

Biptron is hyperpolarized light that is clinically proven to:

  1. Reduce lines and wrinkles
  2. Increase skin firmness and thickness
  3. Increase in elasticity
  4. Reduce uneven skin tone, sun spots & blemishes
  5. Improve microcirculation in the skin
  6. Restore luminosity to the face
  7. Improve the health of hair follicles on the head
  8. Reduces inflammation in the skin

How does Bioptron light do this??

  1. BIOPTRON Hyperlight Therapy increases the production of collagen and elastin. Clinical research has demonstrated that BIOPTRON has a positive stimulating effect on fibroblasts in the skin. Fibroblasts are the building blocks for collagen and elastin—so using Bioptron light actually builds collagen and elastin in the skin!
  2. BIOPTRON Hyperlight Therapy increases microcirculation and promotes angiogenesis:With age, the microcirculation of the skin is reduced, decreasing the delivery of oxygen and other nutrients. Poor and inadequate blood supply can be the cause of bags under the eyes, dark spots and “tired-looking” skin. Impeded blood flow also contributes to decreased production of proteins, such as collagen and elastin, and decreased hydration of all skin layers. BIOPTRON Hyperlight Therapy increases the microcirculation and enhances angiogenesis (the formation and maintenance of new blood capillaries), repairing microcirculation.

How Bioptron Hyperlight Stimulates And Regenerates The Skin

A clinical trial has shown an incredible increase of collagen, elastin and water in different layers of the dermis. The researchers used Optomagnetic Imaging Spectroscopy (OMIS) (a method for determining molecular conformation of tissue) to measure the content and proportion of elastin, collagen and water in the epidermis and dermis. After 4 weeks of treatment with Bioptron Hyperlight, the zone treated with Bioptron Hyperlight showed an increase in collagen fiber and water content in the interstitium. Bioptron Hyperlight improves the molecular composition of tissue, bringing back to the skin its healthy and youthful appearance. Bioptron Hyperlight provides complete skincare to prevent, treat, protect and maintain an effective skincare routine.


When can I use Bioptron light?
Bioptron light is 100 percent natural and can be used as a stand alone treatment or as a complement to our other skin treatments such as microneedling, CryoFacial and ChillSkin. We have achieved amazing results by combining these treatments with Bioptron light therapy—we seem improved firmness, smoothness and luminosity to the skin!
BIOPTRON Light has also strongly synergetic effect when used in combination with anti-aging treatments & cosmetics for healthy looking skin.

What is the duration of a Bioptron treatment?
Chill offers 15 minute Bioptron treatments. We use Bioptron as a complememt to our ChillSkin treatments—it is the final step in our ChillSkin face and neck rejuvenation treatments. You can also use Bioptron as a stand alone treatment for gorgeous, firmer, tighter glowing skin!

Does BIOPTRON Light Therapy have any harmful side effects?
Bioptron light has been used for more than 15 years with no harmful side effects are known. Bioptron light does not contain ANY UV wavelengths that could potentially damage the skin. Bioptron is completely safe and good for your skin!

BIOPTRON Light has biostimulative effects. What does this mean?
BIOPTRON Light stimulates reparative and regenerative processes, as well as the body’s defense-system.
It acts in a natural way by supporting the regenerative capacity of the body and therefore helps the body to release its own healing potential.

How often can I do Bioptron Light Therapy?
Bioptron light is extremely safe and therefore you can use it every day. For anti-aging effects on the skin, we recommend Bioptron light therapy 2 to 5 times per week.
For acne and rosacea, eczema and psoriasis treatment we recommend 1 to 3 times per week.

Do I have to wear protective eyewear when using Bioptron light?
No! Bioptron light does not damage any tissues in the eye. It is 100 percent safe to use without protective eyewear.

Before/Afters: These photos are after 5 Bioptron treatments:

Before And After photo of Bioptron TreatmentBioptron Light TreatmentBefore And After Photo of Bioptron Treatment in CincinnatiBefore And After Photo of Effective Bioptron TreatmentBefore And After Photo of Bioptron Light TreatmentBioptron Light Treatment in Cincinnati

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