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Research Articles

Cryotherapy for Spinal Syndromes

Whole body cryotherapy in cryo-chamber for treating spinal syndromes

Spinal syndromes, particularly of the cervical and lumbar vertebra, also represent a relatively large indication group for whole body cryotherapy. They are so common that terms such as “disc damage/discopathies”, “slipped disc/lumbago” or “ischia syndrome” are not unknown to us and almost considered as part of everyday language. Also grouped under the term “back pain”, they are caused mainly by degenerative modifications of the discs and the small vertebral joints. However, muscles and tendons that serve as supporting and holding apparatus for the spine can also participate somatically or functionally in the disease. A painful, or pain causing muscular hardening arises reflexively through the strong (afferent) impulses from the nociceptors in the area of the spine. Inflammatory processes also act as a cause or in parallel to the degenerative alterations. “Back pains” have a strong tendency to become chronic and lead to physical inactivity, defective demands on the locomotory apparatus and reactive depressive states. Cold treatment can promote standard therapies very effectively, and can even replace them sometimes. The disease maintaining muscle hardening recedes (reduction in nociceptive impulses). When the cold therapy is introduced in time and combined with behavioral-therapeutic measures, the disease course can be effectively prevented from becoming chronic. Up to 20 exposures are recommended for a serial cold application.

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